In his speech to the nation on Labour Day, Malaysian Prime Minister, YAB TAN SRI DATO’ HAJI MUHYIDDIN BIN HAJI MOHD YASSIN informed that almost all economic activity, with the exception of those social distancing is difficult to control will be allowed to open effective on Monday 4th May 2020 if SOP is followed.
Summary of major points in his speech as follow :
- Malaysia ready to open economic activities on 4th May 2020
- Areas with red zones will not be reopened
- Now more green zones than red zones
- Malaysia has lost RM2.6bn a day since MCO
- Activities that involve mass gathering , body contact or social distancing won’t be allowed to open – theme park, bazaars, karaoke, clubs, massage, etc. No sporting events.
- Jogging cycling etc as long as social distancing maintained
- Religious gatherings not allowed, nor social gatherings buka puasa etc
- Cross-state travel still banned
- Schools, colleges and universities still closed
- List of industries will be on MKN website and reviewed periodically
- Example given of operations – Restaurants allowed to operate with 2m distance between tables. Draw lines on floors, limit pax/table, provide hand sanitizers, face masks while working, examine customers temperatures, take the names and contact numbers and dates of visit for customers.
- To ease public transport congestion, he advises companies to provide staggered working hours
- Companies are advised to ask workers to work from home perhaps rotating days.
- Govt services to continue working from home except for frontline workers
- Residents are advised not to leave home unless necessary
- Asks public to download MySejahtera app to enable contact tracing
His full speech in Bahasa Malaysia is available HERE.
Companies operating during this Conditional Movement Control Order do not need to apply for approval from MITI but will have to comply with the SOP issued by the authorities. This SOP together with those sectors that are not allow to operate can be downloaded at HERE

RM8 Off min.spend RM30 Campaign running from 13th April – 26th May
A detail SOP of individual sectors can be downloaded from below :
- Retail Sector
- Manufacturing Sector
- Sport and Recreational Sector
- Oil and Gas Sector
- Food Sector
- Transportation Sector
- Professional Services Sector
- Social Sector
- Various Sector
When you start to work on 4th May 2020, please follow this PROCEDURES FOR THE PREVENTION OF COVID-19 IN WORKPLACE issued by the MOHR (in Bahasa Malaysia).